- Cell Phones and Mobile Plans in United Arab Emirates (UAE)
TRA is a cell phone company in United Arab Emirates with mobile services and internet plans for people and business.
TRA is a cell phone company in Arab.


Company : TRA
Website :  TRA

Phone : 80012
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Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) of the United Arab Emirates is an independent regulatory body responsible for overseeing and regulating the telecommunications and information technology (ICT) sector in the UAE.


Established in 2003 by Federal Decree No. 3, the TRA was formed to foster a competitive and transparent environment for the ICT sector in the United Arab Emirates. Over the years, the TRA has played a pivotal role in developing a cutting-edge telecommunications infrastructure in the country, turning it into a regional hub for technology and innovation.

Functions and Responsibilities

  • Develop and regulate policies and strategic plans for the ICT sector.
  • Grant licenses to telecommunications operators and service providers.
  • Oversee compliance with ICT sector laws and regulations.
  • Resolve disputes between telecommunications operators and consumers.
  • Promote research and development in the ICT sector.
  • Public awareness campaigns about ICT services and technologies.


  • Introduction of 5G technology in the UAE, making it one of the first countries in the world to do so.
  • Increased Internet penetration in the country to over 90%.
  • Reduction in telecommunications prices for consumers.
  • Encouragement of investment in the ICT sector, attracting global technology companies to the UAE.

Future Initiatives

  • Develop a robust and sustainable digital economy in the UAE.
  • Promote the adoption of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT).
  • Strengthen cybersecurity in the country.
  • Ensure all UAE citizens have access to affordable and high-quality telecommunications services.

Impact on the UAE

The TRA has played a pivotal role in transforming the UAE into a leading digital economy. The ICT industry is now one of the country's most significant sectors, contributing significantly to the GDP and creating thousands of jobs. The UAE's state-of-the-art telecommunications infrastructure has also attracted global technology firms, turning it into a regional innovation hub.

In summary, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the United Arab Emirates (TRA) is an essential body that has played a crucial role in developing the ICT sector in the country. Its ongoing work to promote innovation, competition, and affordability ensures that the UAE remains a leader in the global digital economy.

Phones in Arab: Etisalat, du UAE, Virgin Mobile, TRA
The customer can compare cell phone companies and the different options of plans and packages. List of the best mobile phone companies and smartphones in Arab. Analysis of the market of mobile carriers, telecommunications and the use of technology in the future of the country.
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